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Die lustigsten Tierfotos des Jahres 2021: Das sind die Gewinner!
Die diesjährigen Gewinner des „Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards“ stehen fest. Insgesamt wurden mehr als 7000 Fotos aus aller Welt eingereicht. Ein Bild ist als Gesamt-Gewinner hervorgegangen – weitere 14 Bilder haben auch einen Preis abgeräumt.
And the Winner ist…

© The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2021
Ken Jensen
United Kingdom
Title: Ouch!
Description: A golden silk monkey in Yunnan China - this is actually a show of aggression however in the position that the monkey is in it looks quite painful!
Animal: Golden Silk Monkey
Location of shot: Yunnan China
The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2021Ken JensenBurnleyUnited KingdomTitle: Ouch!Description: A golden silk monkey in Yunnan China – this is actually a show of aggression however in the position that the monkey is in it looks quite painful!Animal: Golden Silk MonkeyLocation of shot: Yunnan China
Die weiteren Gewinner:

© The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2021
Arthur Trevino
United States
Title: Ninja Prairie Dog!
Description: When this Bald Eagle missed on its attempt to grab this prairie dog, the prairie dog jumped towards the eagle and startled it long enough to escape to a nearby burrow. A real David vs Goliath story!
Animal: Bald Eagle
Location of shot: Hygiene, CO.
The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2021

© The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2021
Jakub Hodan
Title: Treehugger
Description: This Proboscis monkey could be just scratching its nose on the rough bark, or it could be kissing it. Trees play a big role in the lives of monkeys. Who are we to judge...
Animal: Proboscis Monkey
Location of shot: Borneo

© The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2021
Gurumoorthy Gurumoorthy
Title: The Comedy wildlife
Description: Indian chameleon this image capture in Western Ghats Tamilnadu (Indian) used camera Nikon D5300 70-300mm lens
Animal: Indian chameleon
Location of shot: Western Ghats

© The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2021
United Kingdom
Title: Let's dance
Description: Two Kamchatka bear cubs square up for a celebratory play fight having successfully navigated a raging torrent (small stream!)
Animal: Kamchatka brown bear
Location of shot: Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia

© The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2021
Chee Kee Teo
Title: Time for school
Description: A smooth-coated otter "bit" its baby otter to bring it back to and fro for swimming lesson
Animal: Smooth-coated otter
Location of shot: Singapore

© The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2021
David Eppley
United States
Title: Majestic and Graceful Bald Eagle
Description: Bald Eagles will use the same nest for years, even decades, adding new material to it at the beginning and throughout the nesting season. Normally, they are highly skilled at snapping branches off of trees while in flight. Possibly tired from working nonstop all morning on a new nest, this particular Bald Eagle wasn't showing its best form. Yes, sometimes they miss. Although this looks painful, and it might very well be, the eagle recovers with just a few sweeping wing strokes, and choses to rest a bit before making another lumber run.
Animal: Bald Eagle
Location of shot: South West Florida, USA

© The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2021
Jan Piecha
Title: Chinese whispers
Description: The little raccoon cups are telling secrets to each other
Animal: Raccoon
Location of shot: Kassel, Germany

© The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2021
john speirs
United Kingdom
Title: i guess summers over
Description: i was taking pics of pigeons in flight when this leaf landed on birds face
Animal: pigeon
Location of shot: oban argyll

© The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2021
Nicolas de VAULX
Title: How do you get that damn window open?
Description: This raccoon spends his time trying to get into houses out of curiosity and perhaps also to steal food.
Animal: raccoon
Location of shot: France

© The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2021
Kevin Biskaborn
Title: Quarantine Life
Description: Isolated inside with your family eager to get out and explore the world? These eastern raccoon kits are too. Just when you think there's no more room in the tree hollow, mother raccoon appears and displays just how compact the space is. The babies clambered all over their mom and each another, struggling to take a look at the exact same time. This photo was taken in Southwestern Ontario, Canada. After exploring a particular area with numerous tree hallows, I identified it as a hot spot for raccoon families. Since raccoons will move from den to den, often not spending more than one night at a time in a particular den, locating an area with numerous options is key to locating the animals. I stumbled across this family and immediately worked on leveling the camera with the hole to prevent an upward angle. When the camera and tripod were ready, the baby raccoons were extremely curious (and cooperative), sticking their heads out for a closer look!
Animal: Raccoon / Procyon lotor
Location of shot: Southwestern Ontario, Canada

© The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2021
Lea Scaddan
Title: Missed
Description: Two Western Grey Kangaroos were fighting and one missed kicking him in the stomach.
Animal: Western Grey Kangaroo
Location of shot: Perth, Western Australia

© The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2021
Pal Marchhart
Title: Peek-a-boo
Description: A young bear descending from a tree looks like he/she is playing hide and seek.
Animal: Brown Bear
Location of shot: Hargita Mountains, Romania
The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2021
Zwei Tierfotografen haben den Foto-Wettbewerb 2015 ins Leben gerufen und sammeln damit jedes Jahr für den guten Zweck: 2021 sollen 10 Prozent des Nettoumsatzes an die Organisation „Save Wild Orang-Utans“ gehen, die sich um den Artenschutz von Orang-Utans in Borneo kümmert.
Auch interessant