Central African Republic, 30 March 2014 At the peak of the crisis, in December 2013, more than 100 IDPs took temporary shelter in the orphanage being located in the safer side of the city. When things seemed to calm down, the IDPs left to the larger camps to reunite with parts of their families with whom they had lost contact during the clashes. Madame Gilberte opened the orphanage in 2007, and the structure used to rely nearly exclusively on private donations but, due to the crisis, she has understood that her reliance on this was not possible any longer and, in fact, in February 2014 WFP started supporting the orphanage by providing it with an initial three month ration of rice, oil, SuperCereal, pulses and salt. Before the crisis, the orphanage hosted 30 children, since then six children affected directly by the conflict have been taken in so now there are 36 children inside and 7 more are on the waiting list to join and in reality waiting until Mme. Gilbert finds the resources to build the additional beds needed. As well as running the orphanage Madame Gilberte and her collaborators support an additional 155 orphans who are staying with foster families in the various IDP camps within Bangui. The orphanage assists these children by covering some of the school fees and offering them daily meals. The orphanage provides mostly for Christian children but is open to children from both sides and the children assisted in the camps are both Christian and Muslim in respective camps. A volunteer psychologist comes to visit the children from time to time and doctors from MSF also visit the structure on a regular basis. Some of the children in the orphanage have been abandoned. These kids arrived at the orphanage without a full name. Madame Gilberte Wadji gives all of these children her own surname so that when children like Anne-Sophie (4) and Emanuel (7) who were found in the trash at different times in different places when they were tiny babies were taken to the or

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Aufmacher Bild: ©Rein Skullerud

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